Board Meeting Minutes May 2023

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Andersen DEANS Foundation

Meeting Minutes


  1. Call to order

Nick Orzano called to order the regular monthly meeting of the Andersen DEANS Foundation at 6:30pm at the Phase I Club House.

  1. Roll call

The following members were present: 

General Session and Closed Session: Tim Blackburn, Mike Dye, Nick Orzano, David Jubitz, Chase Rief, and Kevin Harbour.

Guests: Dan Schiraldi, Bobby Girard, and Dr. Lewis

  • Principal Report
    1. Commitment letter to the district for the Dolphin Academy teachers for 2023-24 school year needed.
    2. Kinder at 25-30 students for next year; TK at ~14


  1. General Sessions
    1. Events
      • Golf Tournament (May 15th, Strawberry Farms)
        1. 1 hole sponsorship still available.
        2. Big push to add golfers over the next two weeks.
        3. Email with golf options coming soon.
      • Big Friday
        1. Ideas for next year’s Big Friday event are currently under discussion.
      • DEANS List Party
        1. Researching offsite options.
        2. Targeting August 24th for the event.
      • Deans Dinner Dance
        1. Newport Beach Country Club contacted for next year.
        2. Targeting 4/20 for date next year due to NBCC calendar
      • Tour de Port Streets
        1. Event occurred on 4/22. Event was well received by the community and close to budget.
        2. Planning for next year to commence next fall
      • Ports of July
        1. Volunteers needed, Permit for the event being secured with the city.
      • Field Day
        1. Habit trucked reserved
        2. Volunteers needed


Closed session

  1. Committees
    • Finance
      1. Fidelity accounts opened; excess funds invested in a CD ladder with 6 month maturities.
    • Donor Committee
      1. N/A
    • Sponsors
      1. N/A
    • Marketing
      1. N/A
    • Events
      1. N/A
    • Use of Funds
      1. 3 construction consulting firms were contacted regarding potential upgrades to the school. 1 had conflict of interest, 1 didn’t respond. The third is a good fit and is interested in discussing the project further. They currently do work for Harbor Day and have done work for NMUSD in the past. Initial quote was $5-10k for assessment and plans. DEANs board to get district support prior to moving forward.
      2. $400 approved for Pre-K popsicles in the park fundraiser
  1. Board procedures
    1. 2023-2024 Board slate was unanimously approved by the DEANs Board. Board to be comprised of a president and 6 additional board members:
      • President – Nick Orzano
      • Treasurer – Darren Anthony
      • Secretary – Tim Blackburn
      • General Board Members – Brett Butler, Brent Leffel, Chase Rief and Dan Schiraldi.


  1. Nick Orzano adjourned the meeting at 9:10pm.

Minutes submitted by:  Kevin Harbour

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Phase I Clubhouse
1854 Port Westbourne Place, 7:00pm


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