Board Meeting Minutes March 2023

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Andersen DEANS Foundation

Meeting Minutes


Call to order

President Nick Orzano called to order the regular monthly meeting of the Andersen DEANS Foundation at 6:30pm at the Phase I Club House.

Roll call

The following members were present: 

General Session and Closed Session: Tim Blackburn, Darren Anthony, Carter Weir, Nick Orzano, David Jubitz, Mike Dye, Chase Rief, and Kevin Harbour.

Guests: Brent Leffel, Aaron Rose, Dan Schiraldi, Bobby Girard, Dr. Lewis and Lyn Weir

  • Principal Report
    1. Port Stirling Gate – new automatic solar opener installed
    2. Added additional Recess Art with DEANs support.
    3. STEAM Night – March 22nd 4-6pm
    4. Makers Space position approved by district and posted.
    5. Coding class sponsored by neighborhood parents
    6. 6th grade camp canceled due to weather; replacement options being researched
    7. CORE Fitness at lunch going to District for approval. $600 per day, 2-3 days as a test
    8. Kinder club house – repair bid reduced to $3,500. Repairs to start in early April.
  1. General Sessions
    1. Events
      • Deans Dinner Dance
        1. Tickets nearly sold out
        2. Auction items going well; almost wrapped up
        3. Discussed logistics, scheduling and budget with committee. Final touches being put in place for the event on April 1.
      • Tour de Port Streets (April 22nd, Port Streets)
        1. All stops finalized
        2. Email regarding tickets, pricing, etc. to be sent next week.
      • Golf Tournament (May 15th, Strawberry Farms)
        1. Kickoff meeting with 19th Hole last week
        2. Working to finalize sponsors and other details.
      • Big Friday
        1. Tie in 50th Anniversary party with Big Friday.
        2. Sponsors for 50th party being discussed
      • DEANS List Party
        1. Planning for the DEANS List party is ramping up and options for location are being considered.

Closed session

  1. Committees
    • Finance
      1. 57 total DEANs list and 80 total family donations; 44% of families
      2. New account at Fidelity being set up to allow for investments in CDs, treasuries, and other low-risk investments with excess funds. Treasurer and President to be signers on the account.
    • Donor Committee
      1. N/A
    • Sponsors
      1. N/A
    • Marketing
      1. N/A
    • Events
      1. Speaker series will be returning this spring. Speakers and topics currently being reviewed.
    • Use of Funds
      1. N/A
  1. Board procedures
    1. New bylaws unanimously approved.
    2. Nominating committee for 2023/24 unanimously approved – Tim Blackburn, Chase Rief and Nick Orzano

Nick Orzano adjourned the meeting at 8:41pm.

Minutes submitted by:  Kevin Harbour

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Please attend the DEANs meetings 1st Tuesday of each month

Phase I Clubhouse
1854 Port Westbourne Place, 7:00pm


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