by dolphinpod | Jan 18, 2021
Andersen DEANS Foundation Meeting Minutes – 12/1/2020 I. Call to order Ryan Hart called to order the regular meeting of the Andersen DEANs Foundation at 7:10pm in Ryan Hart’s backyard. II. Roll call The following members were present: Ryan...
by dolphinpod | Dec 1, 2020
Andersen DEANS Foundation Meeting Minutes – 11/10/2020 I. Call to Order Ryan Hart called to order the regular meeting of the Andersen DEANs Foundation at 7:15pm on November 11th, 2020 at Taco Rosa in Newport Beach...
by dolphinpod | Nov 11, 2020
Now through 5:00pm November 15, 2020 BID NOW After an eight-month delay, the long-anticipated wait is finally over!!! The DEANS 2020 Silent Auction is NOW LIVE and lasts through Sunday, November 15th @ 5:00pm. Please bid online at in order...
by dolphinpod | Oct 19, 2020
I hope you and your families are settling into the hybrid schedule and you are getting some well-deserved normalcy back into your lives. We have a couple of exciting announcements that we wanted to share with you all regarding 1) our new website re-design and 2) our...
by dolphinpod | Oct 9, 2020
November 14, 2020- Save the Date! REGISTER NOW