Andersen DEANS Foundation
Meeting Minutes
I. Call to order
President Nick Orzano called to order the regular monthly meeting of the Andersen DEANS Foundation at 6:30pm at the Phase I Club House.
II. Roll call
The following members were present:
General Session: Michael Dye, Tim Blackburn, Darren Anthony, David Jubitz, Carter Weir, Nick Orzano Chase Rief, and Kevin Harbour.
Guests: Principal Lewis, Aaron Rose, Brett Butler
III. General Session
a) Principal’s Report:
(a) Still seeking an office assistant and a new technology specialist.
(b) Assignments for Dolphin Academy teachers have been determined and communicated.
(c) Final numbers – 298 total students
b) Events
(i) Big Friday
1. Occurred 8/15. Highly positive feedback from the community and staff.
(ii) DEANs List Party
1. Occurred 8/22. Highly positive feedback from all attendees. The Board discussed timing of the event for next year and elected to keep it at the beginning of the upcoming year as a kickoff event.
(iii) Pumpkin Patch
1. Confirmed for October 15th
2. Planning going smoothly, need to lockdown food trucks.
(iv) Deans Dinner Dance
1. Kickoff meeting with volunteers last week. 2nd meeting coming next week.
2. Newport Beach Country Club confirmed as venue.
(v) Tour de Port Streets
1. List of potential hosts being accumulated
(vi) Golf Tournament
1. Strawberry Farms confirmed.
2. Potentially looking at alternative sites for next year.
3. May 15 Date confirmed.
c) Committees
(i) Finance Committee
1. Budget discussion for 2022; 28 signed up for DEANs List so far this year
(ii) Donor Committee
1. Signs in and to be delivered in the next few weeks
a. DEANs List and DEANs Donors
(iii) Sponsors Committee
(iv) Marketing Committee
(v) Monthly Events Committee
1. Football kickoff scheduled for Thursday night 9/15 at Phase II clubhouse. Hosted by Weir Properties and Freespeed Aviation.
2. Working on a variety of restaurant/vendor fundraisers and targeting end of September/early October for the first event (Atomic Creamery).
(vi) Use of Funds
1. Trash cans, kinder tables and several other small articles ordered or in process.
2. A facility list completed by the district is scheduled for release at end of month and will be discussed by the DEANs board at upcoming October meeting
3. The committee is generating a list of ideas for the November meeting for further discussion.
IV. Nick Orzano adjourned the meeting at 9:01pm.
Minutes submitted by: Kevin Harbour