Board Meeting Minutes October 2022

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Andersen DEANS Foundation

Meeting Minutes


  1. Call to order

President Nick Orzano called to order the regular monthly meeting of the Andersen DEANS Foundation at 6:30pm at the Phase I Club House.

  1. Roll call

The following members were present: 

DEANs Board Members: Michael Dye, Tim Blackburn, Darren Anthony, David Jubitz, Carter Weir, Nick Orzano, Chase Rief, and Kevin Harbour.

Guests: Principal Lewis, Aaron Rose, Dan Schiraldi, Bobby Girard, Brent Leffel

  • General Session
    1. Principal’s Report:
      • Added additional Dolphin Academy teacher to work with 5/6th grade teachers, bringing total to 5; Still need one focused on IT/Makers Space.
      • Lewis requested funding for several small items including an ice machine for the Teacher’s lounge, office moves, and additional kinder supplies.
      • Lewis is walking with the facilities team to determine campus needs. Report from the district still forthcoming.
      • Lewis will be holding a meeting with parents on 10/14 after flag deck.
      • Andersen’s 50 year anniversary is 2024. Planning for events should commence early.
    2. Events
      • Pumpkin Patch
        1. Scheduled for 10/15
        2. Event will include: a hay maze, event booths by each grade level, Mex it Up truck, Habit burger Truck, and Mtn Mike’s Pizza.
      • Deans Dinner Dance
        1. Theme determined and a ‘Save the Date’ will be distributed later this month.
        2. Committee working on generating auction items.
        3. The board approved an annual service award honoree to be awarded at the event.
      • Tour de Port Streets
        1. Planning ongoing
      • Golf Tournament
        1. Contract executed and deposit paid to Strawberry Farms golf course
  1. Committees
    • Finance
      1. Family donations well ahead of last year, 43 DEANs List members
    • Donor Committee
      1. DEANs List signs being delivered
      2. Committee working on alumni and corporate campaigns
    • Sponsors
      1. Sponsor committee is in the process of meeting individually with large sponsors to discuss our approach to events to maximize Sponsor involvement and donations.
    • Marketing
      1. Website recently updated
    • Events
      1. Non-major events
        1. Atomic Creamery fundraiser scheduled for Thursday, 10/6.
        2. Committee working on additional semi-monthly events
        3. Minted Holiday card fundraiser upcoming
        4. Several additional ideas were recommended by the committee and will be further researched.
  • Use of Funds
    1. Awaiting facilities report to determine potential projects for funding around campus.
    2. Committee working on list of additional recommendations
    3. Several smaller projects were also discussed including a Speaker series and replacing the school’s murals.


  1. Nick Orzano adjourned the meeting at 9:02pm.

Minutes submitted by:  Kevin Harbour


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Phase I Clubhouse
1854 Port Westbourne Place, 7:00pm


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