Board Meeting Minutes November 2022

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Andersen DEANS Foundation

Meeting Minutes


  1. Call to order

President Nick Orzano called to order the regular monthly meeting of the Andersen DEANS Foundation at 6:30pm at the Phase I Club House.

  1. Roll call

The following members were present: 

General Session and Closed Session: Michael Dye, Tim Blackburn, Darren Anthony, Carter Weir, Nick Orzano, Chase Rief, and Kevin Harbour.

General Session Guests: Principal Lewis, Dan Schiraldi, Brett Butler, Bobby Girard, Brent Leffel

  • General Session
    1. Principal’s Report:
      • 14 people at the “Let’s Connect” hosted by Dr. Lewis, including 4 former private school families. The Next one is scheduled for November 18th.
      • District survey expected by November 15th
      • District plans to replace carpet next year,
    2. Events
      • Pumpkin Patch
        1. Over 500 attendees.
        2. Expenses still being finalized, but the event was close to breakeven as intended.
    • Deans Dinner Dance
      • Save the date distributed.
      • Draft of donor request forms worked up and ready to be distributed.
      • Auction items being generated
      • Vendors being confirmed
      • Events leading up to the event being discussed and planned similar to prior years.
      • Golf Cart Auction – DEANs board approved the purchase and refurbishment of a golf cart to be auctioned off – likely at the Deans Dinner Dance
    • Tour de Port Streets
      • Planning ongoing
    • Golf Tournament
      • Contract executed and deposit paid to Strawberry Farms golf course
  1. Closed session
    1. Committees
      • Finance
        1. Reserve amount – building up to 2x operating budget
        2. Donations – 57 DEANs list, 75 total families.
        3. First RTI payment was made to the District
        4. DEANs Board approved several smaller expenses requested by Dr. Lewis: Lexia, Gaga Ball court repairs, additional Kinder tables, Wireless Microphones for the MPR.
        5. Need new quotes on Kinder Playhouse to determine next steps on repairing it or potentially replacing it.
      • Donor Committee
        1. DEANs List signs being delivered
      • Sponsors
        1. Communication ongoing regarding larger events and other sponsorship opportunities.
      • Marketing
        1. Working to standardize signage, logos, website and other marketing collateral.
      • Events
        1. Non-major events
          1. Atomic Creamery fundraiser raised ~$150. Additional small fundraisers being planned.
          2. Minted Holiday card fundraiser is currently active.
          3. Boomers buyout open to all Andersen students for Wednesday March 15 is being researched.
      • Use of Funds
        • Awaiting facilities report to determine potential projects for funding around campus.
        • Committee working on list of additional recommendations
        • Several smaller projects were also discussed including a Speaker series and replacing the school’s murals.


Nick Orzano adjourned the meeting at 8:50pm.

Minutes submitted by:  Kevin Harbour

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Phase I Clubhouse
1854 Port Westbourne Place, 7:00pm


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