Board Meeting Minutes November 2021

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Andersen DEANS Foundation

Meeting Minutes – 11/2/21

I. Call to order

Co-Presidents Michael Dye and Tim Blackburn called to order the regular monthly meeting of the Andersen DEANS Foundation at 6:40pm at the Phase I Clubhouse.

II. Roll call

The following members were present:  

Executive Session: Michael Dye, Tim Blackburn, Nick Orzano, Darren Anthony, David Jubitz and Chase Rief.

Guests: Principal Dr. Lewis

III. Executive Session – Open Issues & New Business
a) Darren Anthony presented an updated budget to the DEANS ​Board for discussion. He also provided a final accounting of the DEANS Pumpkin Patch.
b) Principal Lewis presented a follow up on Choice Lunch as a potential outside food vendor for Andersen’s students.  Michael Dye and Tim Blackburn will have a conference call with Choice Lunch to get greater detail on the plans available.
c) Principal Lewis also is having another meeting this week regarding Recess Support for Andersen.  The playground has been an issue all around the district as students have had difficulty with their play skills post-Covid.
d) The entire board and Principal Lewis all agree that we will pause on future Dr. Weichman presentations to students, parents and staff.  The primary reason is that they are repetitive and the most recent parent seminar was very sparsely attended.  PTA is looking for new possible speakers for parent, student and staff education.
e) Darren Anthony is going to look into purchasing healthy snacks to have at Andersen on behalf of the DEANS as well as a wrap for the dumpsters near the Kinder parking lot.  Principal Lewis is supportive of both of these initiatives.
f) Principal Lewis asked if the DEANS would purchase cushions for the students to use during Friday Flag Deck.  The cost would be approximately $2,000.  All board members in attendance voted to approve the purchase of the cushions.
g) DEANS board members discussed upcoming Tour de Port Streets event on January 22nd as well as beginning to find potential community members to host class parties.
IV. Michael Dye and Tim Blackburn adjourned the meeting at 9:45pm.

Minutes submitted by:  Michael Dye




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Phase I Clubhouse
1854 Port Westbourne Place, 7:00pm


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