Board Meeting Minutes May 2021

Jun 7, 2021 | Blog, Meeting Minutes, Uncategorized

Andersen DEANS Foundation

Meeting Minutes – 5/4/2021

I.  Call to order

Ryan Hart called to order the regular meeting of the Andersen DEANS Foundation at 7:10pm at Taco Rosa.

II.  Roll call

The following members were present:  Ryan Hart, Michael Dye, Darren Anthony, Tim Blackburn, David Jubitz, Kevin Harbour, Nathan deSousa and Mike Gartner

III.  Open Issues & New Business

    1. Tim Blackburn gave a review of the golf tournament results. DEANS were able to raise $77K.
    2. Darren Anthony gave a budget update. We expected to be down $60-70K for the year, but as of the end of April we are only down $35K for the 2020/2021 year.  Reserves are still strong but we should anticipate being down another $50K in 2021/2022 year.
    3. The DEANS Board reviewed Principal Lewis’ proposal for 5 RTI teachers next year funded by DEANS at 19.5 hours a week, up from the current 15 hours a week. After debate the DEANS Board voted 8-0 to approve 5 RTI teachers for the 2021/2022 Andersen school year.
    4. The DEANS Board started discussion about the makeup of next year’s board. Mike Gartner, Nate Kuchera and Scott Lea are stepping down from the board.

Ryan Hart adjourned the meeting at 9:00pm.

Minutes submitted by:  Michael Dye

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