Andersen DEANS Foundation
Meeting Minutes – 1/12/2021
I. Call to order
Ryan Hart called to order the regular meeting of the Andersen DEANs Foundation at 7:00pm in Ryan Hart’s backyard.
II. Roll call
The following members were present: Ryan Hart, Michael Dye, Darren Anthony, Nate Kuchera, Alex Murray, Mike Gartner, David Jubitz, Kevin Harbour, Tim Blackburn (via Zoom) and Nate deSousa (via Zoom)
Special Guest: Andersen Elementary Principal Tiffany Lewis via Zoom
III. Open Issues & New Business
- Andersen Elementary Principal Tiffany Lewis provided the DEANS an update regarding the possibility of extending the school days for elementary school. She has been assigned to a district committee and they are asking each of the 13 school districts in Orange County what exactly they are doing at the elementary school level. The district will then evaluate if it is viable to extend the school day for elementary and how the education will be structured. Orange County Covid numbers will obviously be an important factor.
- Principal Lewis also let us know that the NMUSD board approved the replacement of the Andersen school siding and other cosmetic items that were in need of repair. This project likely will take place over the summer.
- The DEANS board previously approved as a developmental series for the Andersen teachers and RTIs with the iDeal Institute. Principal Lewis let us know that the teachers had their first seminar on Collaboration and the teacher’s feedback was very positive.
- Principal Lewis informed us that with the increase in Covid cases that there is a severe shortage of substitutes in the district. Because Andersen has RTI teachers thanks to the DEANS and Andersen community, our children have benefited from a continuous continuity of learning without interruption.
- Alex Murray is going to coordinate with Dr. Jerry Weichman’s office in order to bring another set of seminars to the Andersen upper grade students, staff and parents. These seminars on mental health and well-being have been very well received in the past and all board members in attendance agreed that we continue providing them to the Andersen community. The cost for the seminars will be around $5,000.
- Darren Anthony provided a budget update for the board and latest up-to-date fundraising information. We saw an increase in family donations towards the end of December, but unfortunately only 30 families have directly contributed to the DEANS. Total fundraising through all activities thus far this year is approximately $90,000. Darren suggested putting up banners at the school in order to help bring awareness to our fundraising efforts and also to provide some positive awareness to those families and corporations that have donated this school year. Darren also set up a Venmo account for the DEANS, which will be extremely helpful moving forward.
Ryan Hart adjourned the meeting at 9:15pm.
Minutes submitted by: Michael Dye