Board Meeting Minutes Feb 2nd 2021

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Andersen DEANS Foundation

Meeting Minutes – 2/2/2021

I.  Call to order

     Ryan Hart called to order the regular meeting of the Andersen DEANs Foundation at 7:00pm via Zoom.

II.  Roll call

     The following members were present:  Ryan Hart, Michael Dye, Darren Anthony, Tim Blackburn, Nick Orzano, Kevin Harbour, Nate deSousa, Nate Kuchera, Alex Murray and Mike Gartner

     Special Guest: Andersen Elementary Principal Tiffany Lewis

III.  Open Issues & New Business

    1. Andersen Elementary Principal Tiffany Lewis provided the DEANS an Andersen update. The committee that she is apart of that is looking at the possibility of extending the school day has finished their discussions with each of the 13 districts. Five of the districts have some version of a longer day and the committee is examining the feasibility for NMUSD. The superintendent is very interested in the committee’s work and they are waiting on additional updates from Orange County health department for possible guidance.
    2. Principal Lewis also discussed the possibility of adding supplemental programs in both math and reading. She wanted to first see if DEANS would be able to financially support this effort. We agreed that we are open to the possibility and she will come back to us with a few programs for us to consider.
    3. Nick Orzano provided an update on the Super Bowl Square fundraiser, which looks like it will be very successful.
    4. Darren Anthony provided the board with a budget update. This year continues to be difficult, especially with school being hybrid and Covid numbers being very high right now. We are still down 40-50% in donations year-over-year. The banners seem to have added a few more family donations and our fundraising focus is primarily on the golf tournament.
    5. Alex Murray gave an update on Dr. Weichman seminars. Principal Lewis and Dr. Weichman have been in contact and the series of seminars will consist of 1 Parent, 1 Andersen Staff and 3 Students. Cost to the DEANS will be approximately $3,750.
    6. Mike Dye & Tim Blackburn gave a golf tournament update. Focus at this time is finding corporate sponsorships. David Jubitz and Nick Orzano have been instrumental thus far in already receiving sponsor commitments.  We also discussed the possibility of incorporating the 6th graders into the tournament if possible.

Ryan Hart adjourned the meeting at 9:10pm.

Minutes submitted by:  Michael Dye

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