Andersen DEANS Foundation
Meeting Minutes
I. Call to order
President Nick Orzano called to order the regular monthly meeting of the Andersen DEANS Foundation at 6:30pm at the Phase I Club House.
II. Roll call
The following members were present:
General Session: Michael Dye, Tim Blackburn, Darren Anthony, David Jubitz, Carter Weir, Nick Orzano Chase Rief, and Kevin Harbour.
Guests: Principal Lewis, Aaron Rose, Dan Schiraldi
III. General Session
a) Principal’s Report:
(a) 4 new teachers hired and ready to go; Pre K likely coming to campus; Need office assistant and replacement for technology specialist.
(b) Student numbers back up to ~286, which represents a 39 student increase over last year’s final total of 245.
(c) Facilities:
(i) the school was painted over the summer and new carpet is planned for next summer.
(ii) The district facilities team will be touring all schools and presenting a report to the school board in September on other action items.
b) Events
(i) Big Friday
1. Scheduled for 8/19. Mostly in order, just need additional volunteer signups for clean up.
(ii) DEANs List Party
1. Scheduled for 8/25 and mostly in order.
2. 50 confirmed attendees
(iii) Pumpkin Patch
1. Scheduled for 10/15
(iv) Deans Dinner Dance
1. Date likely moving to April 1
2. Scouting locations currently – Newport Beach CC likely
(v) Tour de Port Streets
1. List of potential hosts and volunteers being accumulated
(vi) Golf Tournament
1. Confirming location, likely returning to Strawberry Farms
c) Committee Reports
(i) Finance
1. Significant surplus last year due to increased family donations.
2. Discussed preliminary budget for next year.
a. Primary expense item remains Dolphin Academy Teachers.
(ii) Donor Committee
1. Yard signs ordered for donors and DEANs List members
IV. Nick Orzano adjourned the meeting at 8:11pm.
Minutes submitted by: Kevin Harbour